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The wellbeing of girls
and women is everyone's

Women Deliver brings together diverse voices and interests to drive investments and progress in maternal, sexual, and reproductive health and rights. To help advance their work Women Deliver utilized AB’s strategy, design and development skills to create platforms and tools that inform and unite users around a common goal.

AB has worked with Women Deliver to create an online destination, conference website and interactive experiences. Each Women Deliver property has been crafted to effectively communicate and engage with womens and girls rights advocates around the globe.


To better understand Women Delivers needs AB lead a discovery phase including stakeholder interviews, competitor analysis and a comprehensive analytics review. The project team distilled the research findings and it was clear Women Deliver needed impactful tools that are flexible enough to support many different types of initiatives.

Sitemaps and wireframes were leveraged to develop a flexible and configurable system of easy-to-use templates and modular building blocks.  These in turn enable the Women Deliver team to be agile in their content strategy and position their messaging in effective ways througout their ecosystem.

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tools that are cataylst of change

  • Collaborative campaigns that propel the movement for girls and women.
  • Information architecture clearly categorizes issues and womens rights content
  • Fully responsive tools can be accessed by multiple device types
  • Website page templates allow flexible content creation and promotion
  • Easy to use platform to quickly disperse information and advocacy initiatives
  • Community support via resources, tools and information


AB worked with the Women Deliver Youth team to create an interactive that visualizes Young Leader advocacy moments around the globe. Advancements in Sexual Reproductive Rights, Maternal Health, Gender Equality and Cross-Sector Solutions can all be explored as they happened via a responsive, user friendly interface.


4th Global Conference

  • In support of Women Deliver’s global conferences, which are well-know for bringing people together across a multitude of sectors, issues, and cultures, AB designed and developed a custom web app for attendees. The app provided vital information to make the most of their experience during the 4 day event.

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